Sunday Order of Service

December 1, 2024

Anthony Coughlin
Service Leader
Jonathan Morgan

We gather to worship our God of mercy who draws near to his people.

Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship
Revelation 22:1-5 (ESV)
Pastoral Prayer
Worship Through Song
- Hosanna, Hosanna 
- He Who Is Mighty
- Hallelujah What A Savior
Children 6 months - 2 yrs using the nursery may be dismissed.
Prayer of Praise

Scripture Reading

Genesis 3:15 | Matthew 1:18-23
The Gospel in the Garden | Genesis 3:15
Moment of Silent Reflection
Song of Response
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Celebration of the Lord's Supper
May the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ,
And the love of God, the Father,
And the Holy Spirit's presence abide;
With you now—and with you forever!


Membership Matters Class: Join us after lunch on Sunday, December 1st for our Membership Class from 2-3:30pm. The class covers an introduction to our beliefs and what it means for a Christian to be a member in a local church. We’d love to have you join us. Please sign up via the App or website or email:

Christmas Eve's Eve Service: Let’s celebrate the Savior together on December 23rd at 7pm. Our Christmas Eve’s Eve service will be a time of worship, Scripture reading, and a brief message that helps us reflect on the wonder of Christ’s birth. Warm drinks and light refreshments will be provided.
Weekly Bible Study: Join us every Thursday evening for Bible Study starting at 7 pm.  

Need Prayer?

At RCF we believe prayer is a vital part of the life of a church, and we are committed to praying for the one another's needs.