Children 6 months - 2 yrs using the nursery may be dismissed.
Prayer of Praise
Scripture Reading
Micah 6:6–8 | Luke 13:10–21
Message Matters of the Heart | Luke 13:10-21
Moment of Silent Reflection
Song of Response Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery
Celebration of the Lord's Supper
Benediction May the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, And the love of God, the Father, And the Holy Spirit's presence abide; With you now—and with you forever!
Member’s Meeting RCF members, please plan to join us for our upcoming Members’ Meeting on Sunday, January 26th at 3pm. This is an important time to hear updates, discuss church matters, pray together as a body, and seek to steward God’s work at RCF faithfully.
Need Prayer?
At RCF we believe prayer is a vital part of the life of a church, and we are committed to praying for the one another's needs.